The recent announcement of the agreement for nuclear cooperation between the United States and the government of India comes at a time when the United States and the European Union are fiercely engaged in coercing Iran to abandon its pursuit of nuclear capability. The same coercive means has already resulted in North Korea shutting down its nuclear reactor. With Iraq under occupation by the US, ostensibly for "possession of weapons of mass destruction" including nuclear ambition under Saadam Hussein, the message and the picture become very clear. Those countries that fall under the umbrella of the "Axis of Evil", as designated by George W. Bush, are inelligible to possess nuclear capability. Iran, of course, is the only one of the three "evil" countries defying this arbitrary and whimsical denial of the right of possession.
The stockpile of nuclear weapons in the US surpasses that of any other country in the world, including Russia. And yet the Bush Administration has plans afoot to further develop more sophisticated, and by implication, nuclear weapons with greater killing power. All of the European countries, Australia, Israel, Pakistan, and India are known to possess nuclear weapons in varying numbers relative to their economic and military strength. Together, these countries have become a de facto elite Club of good old boys with common friendly ties to the United States. Israel's nuclear facilities are not even subject to inspection, as are those of the United States and major countries in the Club: Britain, France, Russia, Australia and Spain. Again, the implication is that in order to be elligible to possess nuclear capability, either the United States has to sign off on it, you must belong to the European Union or be an ally of the United States. The other proviso to membership, specifically for the junior members of the Club (India and Pakistan), is that their facilities remain open for inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The strongest argument for denying Iran the right to nuclear capability is that the Mullahs who rule that country are, somehow, of questionable stability of mind and pose a great threat to Israel. The flaw in this argument, of course, cannot escape scrutiny and rebuttal by a fair minded observer. During the Cold War, when IBMs were pointed in either direction at the US and the Soviet Union, it is generally agreed that the threat of mutual annihilation was the greatest deterrent to either side using its arsenal to attack the other. Fast forward to the present and the same argument can be made that possession of nuclear weapons by Iran and Israel will deter either side from mounting a nuclear attack against the other side. Besides, Iran claims - and there is no reason to disbelieve - that its nuclear program is non military but for domestic energy self sufficiency when their oil reserves run out, as they predictably will.
All of this, of course, misses the point that nuclear weapons pose a great danger to the entire human race, no matter in whose hands. Therefore, the discussion has to focus on non-proliferation instead of escalation. The United States which has the greatest stockpile of nuclear arms has a moral obligation to initiate the process of disarmament to get rid of its vast stockpile. The other major countries in the Old Boy's Club of nuclear capable countries should then immediately follow the lead by the United States to disarm. Only then can they, collectively, have the moral justification to discourage countries like Iran from embarking on a quest for nuclear capability. The policy of " do as I say and not as I do" will always ring hollow in the ears of determined and defiant aspirants to nuclear capability like the Iranians. Even worse is the use of threats of military action to force compliance. The rulers of Iran have no greater propensity for the misuse of nuclear weapons than the rulers of Israel, India or Pakistan.
We need only look back to history to learn that when it comes to judging who poses the greatest threat to using nuclear weapons, the answer lies in the Club of the good old boys of nuclear capable countries. The US remains the only country that has used nuclear weapons against a civilian population. The world has also witnessed, in the last decade, the hair trigger nuclear standoff between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. These two historical events combine to strip the Club of any shred of moral superiority over Iran as a nuclear risk.
Okuche 07/31/07
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
To Impeach or not to impeach, that is the burning question
Slowly, inexorably, and like a gathering storm, the calls for the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are growing. The President and the Vice President are unquestionably an embattled pair as their reputation, credibility and job approval rating have sunk to an all time low. Even the President's Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, whose duty it is to advise the President on legal matters in times of crisis such as now, appears to be sinking under the weight of his own problems as Senate hearings after Senate hearings reveal the depth of the incompetence, abuse of power and brazen untruths to cover up evidence of malfeasance by the Attorney General.
The calls for impeachment have the added unique quality of being bipartisan and across party lines। While the loudest calls for impeaching the President and the Veep come from Democrats, liberals and the progressive left who have collectively been the main voice of opposition to the Administration's policies, there is a growing and vocal group of principled people within the GOP who are openly critical of the President and who have given subtle hints of their acquiescence to the idea of impeachment। There are also others in the GOP who, while not openly calling for impeachment, have openly expressed their tiredness with the President's prosecution of the war in Iraq and asked for a change in direction . Notable among these are senior Senators in the Senate: Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, Richard Lugar of Indiana, Pete Domenici of New Mexico and John Warner of Virginia.
There remains, however, a hard core group of supporters of the President even in the face of overwhelming lack of confidence in his leadership and job approval rating. It is this core group that has caused those who vacillate about impeachment to call for caution in the push for impeachment. This writer, however, maintains that the time for impeachment is now because there is a rising groundswell of support for it. Cindy Sheehan who started the peace movement has come out of her self imposed retirement, fully energized and ready to continue the fight to hold the President and the Vice President accountable for their high crimes and misdemeanor. Close to a million and a half signatures have been collected by her group towards this effort. Her decision to run against Nancy Pelosi for taking impeachment off the table has been greeted with great enthusiasm by progressives in huge numbers. With Senator Kucinich leading the impeachment call in the Senate and Maxine Waters in the House, the momentum can only get bigger.
The added voices from bloggers, political pundits and authors who have written and made compelling cases for impeachment are all indications that impeachment is no longer a matter of "should we" but one of "when and how quickly". The following is a list of five publications, out of several now in print, that outline in very precise and cogent reasoning why impeachment is a very urgent and pressing option to hold the President and the Vice President accountable:
1. "U.S. Vs George W. Bush et al" by Elizabeth de la Vega
2. "Cowboy Republic: six ways the Bush gang has defied the Law" by Marjorie
3. "Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush" by the Center for Constitutional Rights.
4. "The Impeachment of George W. Bush: a practical guide for concerned citizens
by Elizabetj Holtzman
5. "The Case for Impeachment" by David Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky.
The Democrats got a mandate from the electorate last fall to end the occupation of Iraq and to seek for accountability for all the lies and manipulation of intelligence by the President and Dick Cheney to wage this unnecessary war. The Democratic leadership has a chance to make history and reclaim the prestige, honor and integrity that the US has lost as a result of the actions of the President and the Vice President. Failure by the Democrats to do this will result in the loss of confidence by voters of this country in the two party system of government. They must fight for the restoration of the checks and balances built into our Constitution specifically to prevent the emergence of an imperial President which this President is trying to become. To them I say "seize the momnet" and make history. Cape diem.
Okuche 07/29/07
The calls for impeachment have the added unique quality of being bipartisan and across party lines। While the loudest calls for impeaching the President and the Veep come from Democrats, liberals and the progressive left who have collectively been the main voice of opposition to the Administration's policies, there is a growing and vocal group of principled people within the GOP who are openly critical of the President and who have given subtle hints of their acquiescence to the idea of impeachment। There are also others in the GOP who, while not openly calling for impeachment, have openly expressed their tiredness with the President's prosecution of the war in Iraq and asked for a change in direction . Notable among these are senior Senators in the Senate: Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, Richard Lugar of Indiana, Pete Domenici of New Mexico and John Warner of Virginia.
There remains, however, a hard core group of supporters of the President even in the face of overwhelming lack of confidence in his leadership and job approval rating. It is this core group that has caused those who vacillate about impeachment to call for caution in the push for impeachment. This writer, however, maintains that the time for impeachment is now because there is a rising groundswell of support for it. Cindy Sheehan who started the peace movement has come out of her self imposed retirement, fully energized and ready to continue the fight to hold the President and the Vice President accountable for their high crimes and misdemeanor. Close to a million and a half signatures have been collected by her group towards this effort. Her decision to run against Nancy Pelosi for taking impeachment off the table has been greeted with great enthusiasm by progressives in huge numbers. With Senator Kucinich leading the impeachment call in the Senate and Maxine Waters in the House, the momentum can only get bigger.
The added voices from bloggers, political pundits and authors who have written and made compelling cases for impeachment are all indications that impeachment is no longer a matter of "should we" but one of "when and how quickly". The following is a list of five publications, out of several now in print, that outline in very precise and cogent reasoning why impeachment is a very urgent and pressing option to hold the President and the Vice President accountable:
1. "U.S. Vs George W. Bush et al" by Elizabeth de la Vega
2. "Cowboy Republic: six ways the Bush gang has defied the Law" by Marjorie
3. "Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush" by the Center for Constitutional Rights.
4. "The Impeachment of George W. Bush: a practical guide for concerned citizens
by Elizabetj Holtzman
5. "The Case for Impeachment" by David Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky.
The Democrats got a mandate from the electorate last fall to end the occupation of Iraq and to seek for accountability for all the lies and manipulation of intelligence by the President and Dick Cheney to wage this unnecessary war. The Democratic leadership has a chance to make history and reclaim the prestige, honor and integrity that the US has lost as a result of the actions of the President and the Vice President. Failure by the Democrats to do this will result in the loss of confidence by voters of this country in the two party system of government. They must fight for the restoration of the checks and balances built into our Constitution specifically to prevent the emergence of an imperial President which this President is trying to become. To them I say "seize the momnet" and make history. Cape diem.
Okuche 07/29/07
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